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Another password manager

I was still using KeePassX 0.4.4 on my Mac. This version doesn’t support the Retina display on my Mac, but it wasn’t annoying enough to upgrade/migrate. One of my colleagues mentioned KeePassXC (https://keepassxc.org/), so I decided to give it a test drive.

Be sure to download the digest file as well and compare the digest against:

cat KeePassXC-2.2.0.dmg.DIGEST && shasum -a 256 KeePassXC-2.2.0.dmg

The result should be the same:

d5dec4a01b0fa00f36ebbd8d001ad24a1559d7f897af3d9a2fbdb339b02086bc  KeePassXC-2.2.0.dmg
d5dec4a01b0fa00f36ebbd8d001ad24a1559d7f897af3d9a2fbdb339b02086bc  KeePassXC-2.2.0.dmg